Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Formation Programme for Educators 2008 (FPE)

On Friday, 7 November, Msgr Eugene Vaz presided at a Thanksgiving Mass for the teachers who have completed Year 1 of the ACCS initiated two-year Formation Programme for Educators (FPE).

In his homily, Msgr Vaz challenged everyone to respond to God’s call to discipleship. He also provided insights on the role of Catholic educators in shaping the lives of young students. He commended the teachers for their generosity in taking the time to learn more about our Catholic faith amidst their busy schedules.

At the end of the Mass, William from St Gabriel's Secondary shared with everyone the positive impact this formation programme has had on his life. It has enriched his personal life and enliven his spiritual growth in daily life. He also suggested that the programme be available for every teacher in the Catholic schools. He ended by saying that he looks forward to the second year of the programme.

The teachers on the FPE have completed studies in the following modules for 2008: Anthropology of the Christian Vocation (Psycho-spirituality), Prayer, Principles of Religious Formation, God (a philosophy seminar on the question of God), Contextual Theology and Moral Theology.

In 2009, the following topics will be offered to these teachers:

1. Philosophy of Being Human
2. Anthropology of the Christian Vocation II
3. Prayer II
4. Social Teachings

5. Theology of Dialogue
6. Moral Theology II
7. Salvation History

The FPE resumes in January 2009. For now, the teacher-participants are on a well deserved break!

A note:
The Formation programme for Educators (FPE) is a 2 year programme for school leaders and teachers, who are open to learning and growing in their vocation as educators in Catholic schools. The FPE is especially useful those who are active leaders in the areas of religious education, character development and values education, and are committed to serving their school.

* Picture courtesy of CHIJ OLN

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